Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Great Silent Auction Items to Consider and the Potential Benefits

By: Rose Viau, Northwest Missouri State University

Does your department need to begin doing regular assessment?  Are you coming to the MoCPA Annual Conference September 29th – October 1st?  Even if you are not, you should consider sending in a silent auction bid for the two items mentioned below.

Since 1999, Northwest Missouri State University Residential Life Department has been using the EBI Residence Satisfaction survey.  This is a survey that measures student’s level of satisfaction with 19 factors including satisfaction with hall staff, programming, floor community, facilities, services, safety, dining, diverse and personal interaction, sense of community and more.  Results show your school compared to other schools across the nation, and track your progress over time.

At Northwest we have used this information to help develop our department strategic plan, help guide new construction and renovation, to alert us to needs for programming model changes and staffing model changes and more.  We are able to use EBI data to show progress or decline on most measure of our strategic plan which guides us in yearly or long-term goals and planning.  As you can tell, this information has been very helpful to Northwest.

I am excited to announce that EBI has donated 2 surveys to MoCPA that will be up for grabs at the Silent Auction.  The first survey is a Residence Satisfaction survey, the same one we have used at Northwest.  This survey is for 1000 participants with data for up to 20 buildings and/or RAs.  The current price is approximately $3900.  You would be able to add additional participants for an additional cost through EBI.

The 2nd survey is a new survey that was introduced this past Spring.  The Recreation Services Assessment is valued at $2569.

You could get one or both of these at an incredible value at the Silent Auction.  For additional information, please visit EBI at www.webebi.com or feel free to e-mail at rviau@nwmissouri.edu or call at 660-582-9494.  See you at the conference!

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